Saturday, June 13, 2009

How Do I Get Silver Wing In Shiny Gold


Friday, June 12, 2009

Diagram Of A Diverter Valve

waiting ...

Here we are waiting to take the exam ... we're keeping us busy creating little people with their QQ.Storie ... we merged!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

How Long Does Carbonara Keep

Finally, tomorrow is the day of the Mathematics Education ... we ready?
work done and uploaded to Bb, fingers crossed, wolf ready to be killed (hihi) ... I guess we're more than ready!

Sayings For Recipe For Happiness

Procedures and QQ.Storie

PROCEDURE When we speak of is the set of actions to be implemented to achieve a specific goal, for example to walk you must:
lifting off, bring it forward
the other,
Put your foot on the ground,
move your weight forward,
repeat these actions with the other foot.
Insert a map showing the procedure put in place to learn a music song:

Even in mathematics you use procedural pathways such as those that we ... we used with the use of QQ.Storie; to draw on the screen using directional controls that move the automaton Tarta.
QQ.Storie is a program suitable for children who are entering the world information technology; for them nn the automaton is only a small turtle in which they teach even the smallest movements (forward, backward, left, right) to make it do more complex things like the stories.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wedding Bubbles Favor Sayings

The Design of Everyday

A process to bad design, conducted by the leading exponent of contemporary cognitivism. A compelling demonstration of the gap that exists between the functioning of the human mind and most of the objects that surround us and that we are condemned to use.

Good Cheer Block Cheers

Consideration of Mathematics Education ... Help

Friday, June 12 me and my fellow workers will face the ultimate test Math! Prof. Lariccia present work we have done during this final year, both individual and those of the group, in those hours of lecture and lab ... we hope that all goes well ... I will tell you.

Good luck Ila, Sara and Sara!