Tuesday I found myself in Milan with my friend Ilaria organizing work for the math exam tomorrow. We conducted the first test group, we have become familiar with a type of structured learning materials for learning mathematics, logic units, and we have tried to master the techniques of representation. Another proof that I liked was that the problem of drying out. Ilaria and I have initially raised the issue as clearly as possible, then we have proposed to do to solve it possobilità operations and materials. proposing this problem in two separate groups of boys from seventh grade, we realized that they have reached the same result but proposes two different solutions, using the same number of operations.
Anyway I hope everything goes well tomorrow because I am committed to this examination, in addition to having spent so many hours at the computer that I think I've forgotten how to write with pen and paper! We'll let you know how it went ... wish the examination good luck!
As is learned and taught mathematics "Time of the Cherries," Volume 1 "book experience" by Germana Girotti, Minerva edition Italica. This book is a useful educational tool for teaching and learning of the basic elements of mathematics. It 's a subsidiary suitable for first-graders, as part of the numbers 1 to 9 and continues gradually to the teaching of mathematics. The book is also accompanied by drawings, and original color images and provides the child with many opportunities to get involved and play in person several years, inspired by the facts to come to the understanding of abstract concepts. At the same time is also useful for the teacher because the design is a useful and fun that connects to the child.
The pedigree Another proof that I had to do was to reconstruct the family tree of my family, I had to use a particular program, GenoPro, but unfortunately my computer continued to "reject" and I had to opt for a alternative solution. However my tree is ready, you can find it in the papers for the examination that are on the Blackboard platform. There are all : me, my sisters Elena and Aurora, my nephew, Caesar, was born last January 13, my parents, uncles and aunts, my cousins \u200b\u200band even my grandparents ... So there's the whole family! I also "crowned" the whole picture with a nice family that is the background of family tree.
Emma Castelnuovo In history there are cited a myriad of great mathematicians and I had to choose one to talk about the examination ... Not all Emma Castelnuovo know, but she is also a teacher and wrote many books of mathematical character. "Taste of research and creative work are essential ingredients to teach the art of mathematics." Emma Castelnuovo taught us that mathematics is an art: it can get to the intellect through the senses, you should use a simple, but effective way to talk to the guys, look at the world through the eyes of mathematics creates real emotions. Emma Castelnuovo was for so long a landmark important for mathematics education.
Interview with a passionate about Mathematics ... In my case the genius next door is called David, was my classmate and now studies with passion Mathematics at the University of Pavia. David was the genius of the so-called class, math was as if it were his daily bread, what we did in an hour with some inaccuracies, he ended it in half the time without insecurities ... I remember it just like a " genius. E 'was very helpful, answered all my questions, then I reworked the interview to plug into a presentation for the third round for the exam.
In the presentation of the second test, "Me and mathematics," I have proposed an overview of my relationship with matter from the beginning until today. I mentioned my idea to the evolution of mathematics and I talked about my experiences, both positive and negative, of learning and teaching of the discipline with which they come into contact.
Mathematics Mathematics and numbers every day in the life of a new blog all
In the first trial to prepare for the examination of Elementary Mathematics from a higher point of view, "We and Mathematics, 'I got two articles in a national newspaper and I have highlighted all symbols and mathematical concepts in the text. Then I thought about how many times during my day I find myself using concepts or mathematical character references ... and I concluded that I do it all the time!