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the Da Vinci Code and God falsehood or reality?

February 9, 2010 - 18:27:23

Contrary to what evolutionists may say, the man has a spiritual dimension that sets it apart from lesser creatures and elevates him above them. Born with strong searching soul. being motivated by the desire to communicate with something higher or more powerful than himself so he can buy some control over their environment and their lives. I understand that those who do not believe in God do not see things exactly like that, is not it? Generally we tend to attribute this kind of human inclination to human needs, whether psychological or other reasons. But back introduction on the words .. It is natural that everyone wants to know what the future holds. The desire to ensure good fortune and avoid what could be his harmful. This is why men of all ages have turned to spirits and deities for guidance (spiritism, magic, astrology, superstition, and so on)! Many, of course, realize that this is nothing but superstition
and that is absolutely without foundation. Maybe add that if they do, it's just for fun, but is that really so? While others argue that
magic and divination are beneficial because they give psychological security, otherwise they may feel lost in front the obstacles they face in life
. But this is just an innocent game and psychological support?
At this point I would love to ask yourself this question: What is the true source of the spirits and magical practices which I mentioned above?
you can get curious about an answer to this? I note that I am neither a nun nor a priest, I'm just a person who has realized fortunately not later can know God according to His will (the Bible) and not according to disquisitions and philosophical arguments of many intellectuals. In this regard I would like to leave you with a thought drawn from the Word of God, the Bible, which says: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will cut via the intelligence of the intellectuals. "1Corinti chapter 1 verse 19.


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