Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pokemon Pinball Rom Controls


Rummaging in bulk in my drawers looking for I do not even know what, I see in the drawer un'angolino a photo of me that I portrayed next to a beautiful high plant prickly pear blooming with flowers of a deep red color, with photos in hand trying to inside of me understand what might attract me so much of that image I pause a moment to think .. and I come back in a flash in the minds of the memories are very dear to me who were part of a period of my gay youth, who lived with the man more expansive, sociable, outgoing, generous, strong and versatile I've ever known.

I can think of other aspects of his person, like his physical appearance that always gives me a sense of security, I remember that his hair was slightly wavy and graying as relaxing waves, intense brown eyes of a managed to express through his eyes expressions of disappointment or tenderness, irritation or mild, or debolezza.Lui tenacity was all that and not only .. many times we were traveling together, he to work while I followed him for pure entertainment it was very nice despite being in his company knew perfectly French, English and Arabic is a little less well, with those who did not understand what he was saying he could with his sympathy to interact with people different from us in culture and traditions of the time even snatching a smile. He was a person who could not bear to see suffering and where it appeared that situation he did everything in his power to alleviate certain conditions of pain and sorrow. I remember one of his many stays abroad in Algeria just a wonderful land where sea and desert mountains seemed to come out of a canvas of a painting by Monet ... extraordinary! .. I lived there for some time with him and that's where I started to learn to speak and love the French language was very happy it all seemed a constant adventure there was never a day like any other. I remember one morning we woke up just after sunrise and after carefully studying the map we decided to venture up the Small mountains of Atlas, was not a short trip, I do not know how many miles we walked through gorges and hairpin turns at some point .. when suddenly, before our eyes opened a show of breathtaking mountains, green forests with rich water between streams and small laghi.A that point we decided to explore the area armed with a little camera (the mythical Rolleflex a well) is her favorite! and on ... one shot after another .. there was plenty of choice everything was covered in a single harmonious entity! really seemed to walk into a magnificent work of art. Take a small path that bordered a creek and lush few meters, we found ourselves in front of an old building certainly expanding Arab origin, shaped like a small castle with colors ranging from blue to white, the walls covered azuLeia that formed a mosaic of rich colors, where time seemed to stand still! the only hint of trouble at that time was running "clik" camera, but obviously in front of such beauty she could not hold his "euphoria."
now Feeling like "little explorers" type (the young marmots) .. we decided to give a name to that castle in testimony of our own way, (it was hilarious) take a piece of wood and record with a boxcutter by a scout named "CHÂTEAU MARIO '" and hung above the door. It made me smile to know the heart in that part of the world was a place that bears the name of the person I most loved.
It was getting very very late and the road was quite long to get back ahead, and then decided to leave. As we ran down the switchbacks of the mountain could hear the echoes of our voices a great feeling ... as if one of us had stayed up there between those magnificent forest to a lookout for those moments lived, leaving a kind of tender emotion in my heart.
We were now leaving behind us going deeper down the mountain to the sea which was there to bee majestic in all its beauty and fragrance, in an increasingly overbearing heat was heard calling in us a desire to stop in a place to freshen up and enjoy a delicious meal of fish, in the many restaurants along the coast. I knew that our journey was ending, and while the seaside, I received an intense fragrance of flowers, I looked and saw a long row of oleanders and prickly pears with the bright colors, I had never seen any like them and austere. I asked excited by all that beauty, stop for some photos that would make even the seal the end of our wonderful viaggio.Scendemmo from the jeep and with the light of a day that was about to run out, I asked the one who made this trip an unforgettable slice of life, alongside a picture of me the most beautiful plant stronger, be there ready to seize its fruits docissimi! Yes .. it was she who wanted to close in the photo also known for many, perhaps a trivial Opuntia prickly pear ... but for me the symbol of the man who proved the best companion of that amazing journey .... my father.


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