Friday, January 7, 2011

Bladerunner Pro Xt Men


year that will

Lucio Dalla

Dear friend I write so I get distracted a little '
and since you're far away I will write stronger.
Since you left there is a big thing,
the old year is over now
but still something wrong here. Exit

little understood when the evening is a feast
and some have put sandbags near the window, and you are
without talking for weeks
and those who have nothing to say
time remains .

But television said that the new year will bring a transformation

and all those who are already waiting
Christmas and holiday will be three times all day, every
Christ will descend from the cross
the birds will return.

There will be food and light throughout the year, even the dumb can speak

while the deaf are already doing.

And everyone will love should be like, even priests can marry

but only to a certain age, without major disturbances
and someone will disappear, perhaps too clever
and idiots of all ages. See

dear friend what you write and tell you how happy I am and

to be here at this time,
see, see, see, see, dear friend
see what you have to invent
to be able to laugh over, for
continue to hope.

And if this year then passed in an instant, my friend

see how important it becomes
which at this moment there is too.

The year that is coming in a year will
I'm getting ready this is the new


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