Friday, February 11, 2011

Lucasville Flea Market Calendar

150anni ... BIRTHDAY!

".... who reduced it to that? And this is worse,
That chain has both her arms laden,
Yes, her hair disheveled and without a veil
sits forlorn and neglected on the ground ,

hiding his face between his knees and cries.
Weep, whence you that well, my Italy,
The people born to conquer
And the auspicious destiny and in the estuary.
If your eyes were the two live sources,
Never could the tears
adjustments to your damage and the shame;
you were a woman, are now the poor maid.
Who do you speak or write,
That, remembering your past glory, not
say, was already great, now is not that?
Why, why? where is the ancient force?
Where the arms and the value and constancy? Who
discinse the sword? Who betrayed

(Giacomo Leopardi by-lines from: To Italy-)


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