Sunday, March 20, 2011

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In every street Look

things are very far,
tell me.
do not know why,
do not know where,
you come into my head,
will expand and tap
each thought,
do not know who resell
my breath.
You're the fog
covering every person
each path,
every intention
and leave,
in each street
see that
you alone.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

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appearance in December,
each year
as you have taught me, because
after each end there is always
its principle.
Emerald in your eyes,
diamond in your heart,
of my every day
you're part
're in the coffee I drink,
in the summer sun,
in some evenings,
the voice of my mother.
And, day after day,
become great.
But it is only with you by,
see it,
that I expect in December.

(My grandmother)