Monday, December 17, 2007

Cost To Rend A Dunk Tank

JOHN NASH - The genius of The genius of the numbers

John Forbes Nash Jr. ( Bluefield, June 13, 1928) is an American mathematician. Among the most brilliant mathematicians of the original 900, Nash has revolutionized the economy with his studies in applied mathematics at " Game Theory " , winning the Nobel Prize for the economy in 1994 .
But Nash is also a brilliant mathematician pure and refined. He always had a skill in dealing with uncommon problems from a fresh and unthinkable to others, and incredibly elegant solutions to complex problems, such as those related to immersion of algebraic varieties or
parabolic differential equations.

John Nash has lived for about thirty years between the scientific and academic success and mental illness. During the brilliant scientific work in prestigious universities (such as Princeton ) or companies such as RAND Corporation, where he and logical, mathematical, physical and engineering experts game theory, worked for the government to political and military strategies of the Cold War.
had to live with schizophrenia
often and for long periods over three decades obscures the extravagance and creativity emotional isolation from the outside world.
After periods of crisis, often subsequent admissions to psychiatric hospitals, Nash returned to make
mathematical ca .
But a few months after the disease relapses. Electroshock therapy as
, straitjackets chemical injections of insulin have marked in the physical, but now that Nash is a seventy still attending the Institute to Princeton, he studied mathematics and still seems cured of the disease.

arrogant and conceited, eccentric and quarrelsome, incapable of normal social relations, John Nash had a strange way to behave. Do not follow regular course, he considered trivial, and consulted a few books on mathematics. Often whole whistling Bach pieces regardless of the discomfort to others.

Melvin Hausner remembers
"He was always immersed in thought. He sat alone in the common room. Easily happen that you pass by without seeing you. Always muttering to himself. Always whistling. Nash was always thinking. If he was lying on a table, it was because he was thinking. Just thinking. You could see he was thinking. "

A Beautiful Mind

The acclaimed film A Beautiful Mind
( 2001) of U.S. director Ron Howard , winner of four Golden Globe and many Oscar ("best film "," Best Director "," Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Supporting Actress "on Jennifer Connelly for the role of Alicia Nash) narrates, novel and omitted some parts, the amazing life of genius John Nash , played by Russell Crowe.

The facts narrated by the film are taken from the homonymous
Sylvia Nasar's biography , which tells the story of Nash topped with a myriad of details collected by mathematicians who knew him and by the same Nash (the book was published in Italy under the title " The genius of the numbers - The Story of John Forbes Nash Jr., a mathematician and crazy ).

• Plot
1949, the twenty-one and talented mathematician John Nash joined the prestigious Princeton University with a scholarship for doctoral . Refractory to establish social relations, Nash has only two friends, Charles, his roommate, and mathematical formulas.
Obsessed with the thought of finding an original idea to apply its formulas, John succeeds in his goal: a doctorate in only 27 pages of exhibits fundamental intuitions development of the "Game Theory
", thus becoming outdated economic theories of Adam Smith .
His ideas earned him fame and an important place as a researcher at MIT
of Boston, where he confirmed his understanding mathematics.
In full "
Cold War " is contacted by the army for its incredible ability to decoder. Log in touch with the 'eminence grise "William Parcher, dark character that the government hires a top secret mission . At the same time John is also the love of Alicia, a young physics student, who became his wife.
Nash's life at this point is shaken by a terrible discovery. Charles, her granddaughter and the same Parcher are really just projections of the troubled mind of Nash, who suffers from a severe form of schizophrenia .
Wandering like a ghost between clinics and asylums are subjected to numerous sessions
insulin shock and a massive dose of drugs.
With affection and closeness of family,
Alicia in particular, and his mental strength to be able to ignore his hallucinations, overcoming incredible disease and returning to a normal life.
Nash becomes professor at Princeton , and 1994 he was awarded the Nobel Prize 's economy.

• Curiosity
Since the beginning of the film are obvious, albeit cleverly disguised, the signs of the madness of the protagonist:
- Charles does not appear as a friend or the girl to John, although the latter continues to tell others about it as if it existed, what emerges from the dialogue between Alice and Dr. Rosen.
- Parcher When John goes for the first time in the "secret base", the mathematician says, "I had said that these warehouses were abandoned."
- The granddaughter of Charles runs among the pigeons, but they do not fly up or moving. A sign that the child exists only in the mind of John.
- When Nash Parcher blocks to his office door and enters with him, you can see the puzzled look of the guard at the entrance of the building. Just a few scenes later, the colleague of Nash when he calls Parcher for the corridor.

For more insights on John Nash , read the brief research I conducted on this mathematical genius!


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